Mobile Night Mode

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Miner Monitor

Miner Monitor Basic Info

Do you have an AntMiner brand ASIC mining device?

Concerned that you don't know what's going on when you aren't on location to check on it?

With Miner Monitor you can track the status of your miner anywhere in the world from your Android device.


Here are just a few of the many features Miner Monitor has to offer:

Miner Monitor Sidebar Left

  • Check Network Information
  • Check Pool Information
  • Monitor System Temps
  • Check for Errors
  • Reboot Remotely

Miner Monitor Sidebar Right

    We currently support these models:

  • AntMiner D3
  • AntMiner L3+
  • AntMiner S7
  • AntMiner S9 (regular and hydro)

Miner Monitor Phone Demo Graphic